Expert Content

Full-service expert content creation: from strategy to execution

Creating and executing a content marketing strategy that delivers results requires exceptional know-how and experience

It becomes even more challenging when you need to translate your insights, goals, and strategy into an actionable plan involving multiple parties with different skill sets: optimization specialists, writers, editors, and content/website managers. A goal of producing high-volume expert content in multiple languages under tight deadlines only adds to the complexity of coordination.

Furthermore, websites that offer financial or health information (Your Money Your Life) are subject to stringent evaluation criteria by Google in terms of Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (EEAT).  

Building trust with your content because of EEAT is likely to make a significant difference in the age of AI, making it even more challenging.

To relieve the pressure and publish content with confidence, Storylake is your center of excellence for international expert content creation at scale.

We got you covered: Customizable services to meet your expert content needs at every stage of the content marketing cycle

Expert Content Consulting


Data-driven assessment of your international organic search rankings. We uncover positions where your competition has taken over. We find keyword and content gaps based on your customers’ search intent and discover dormant reach potential.

Topic Research

Identification of the most important topics, including relevant focus keywords, related semantics and topics, and the FAQs which your target audience is searching for.


Creation of an expert content strategy that targets high search potential to support your individual business goals. We define the topics and content in a dedicated content creation calendar to ensure production and publication deadlines.


Evaluate and create meaningful backlinks, post on social channels, or publish through other methods to generate valuable traffic from authoritative sources, including topic and industry-related websites, to boost your rankings.

Performance Analysis

Active reporting of your expert content rankings and the agreed project objectives. We continually monitor and re-assess article rankings to further improve your results and ROI.

Expert Content Services

Project Management

For a single point of contact, a dedicated project manager will work with you every step of the way. With regular check-ins for status updates and reporting, you maintain control and a comprehensive understanding of the project status.

Expert Research

We source the best subject matter expert inside or outside our international pool of writers, then match them to your individual criteria.

Briefing Creation

Based on your content, topic, keyword strategy, and company guidelines, we create individual content briefings as a solid foundation to align all stakeholders with your project requirements.

Expert Assignment

Choose your personal expert from a list of recommended, fully-vetted writers who meet your individual requirements. In a joint kick-off workshop with you, we will assign the expert for your project.

Editing & Compliance

To meet your brief, we proofread each article for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and structure. We also ensure congruency with your brand voice and perform a thorough fact check.

Plagiarism Check

All our articles are checked for plagiarism, ensuring you receive unique and original content.

Content Upgrading

To improve SEO, readability, and time-on-site, we enhance your content by integrating external or internal contextual links, expert interviews and quotes, statistical data, diagrams or infographics, and royalty-free images.


We use your website CMS to implement your expert content, including SEO-relevant meta information. All you have to do is click on the publish button to release.

Expert Content Writing

With our international pool of vetted subject matter experts, we provide original bylined content at scale for almost every topic and language. 
Our content writing supports all characteristics of Google’s E-E-A-T guidelines to create high-quality content from credible and experienced writers, generating high organic rankings and strengthening your brand.

Read how we match Googles E-E-A-T.
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Storylake is your secret competitive advantage for your global expert content marketing

Reliable outcomes through international experience and industry competency

SEO analysts review your organic ranking status and that of your competitors

Content strategists plan your content creation roadmap with your business goals in mind

Expert agents find and assign the most suitable expert writers to your international project

Subject matter experts write your specialized content in the language you need

Editors check for facts and briefing compliance to ensure the highest quality standards

Project managers steer the entire project from start to publication to meet your deadlines

An inexhaustible reservoir full of experts to grow your business

International talent network of vetted healthcare experts for expert content at scale

Expert content creation on Googles E-E-A-T criteria to drive organic rankings and traffic

Streamlined project framework to deliver on time and within budget

Iteration commitment to meet the jointly agreed business KPIs

Pre and post-analysis to further increase content performance

How we operate
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This can only be achieved if we deliver what we promise. That is why we provide a commitment to you.

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How to make sure your investment pays off

Learn why expert content is important in healthcare and which KPIs are most relevant to your content marketing investment.

Download the Whitepaper here

How to make sure your investment pays off

Learn why expert content is important in healthcare and which KPIs are most relevant to your content marketing investment.

Download the Whitepaper here